Why are My French Bulldogs Ears Crusty

Why are My French Bulldogs Ears Crusty: Expert Solutions

If your French Bulldog has crusty ears, it could be a sign of an ear infection or chronic inflammation causing thickened and crusted ear canals. Additionally, some dogs may have yellowish or black discharge from their ears.

It is important to treat and prevent ear infections by using medicated shampoos and seeking advice from a veterinarian for appropriate ear cleansing solutions. Why are My French Bulldogs Ears Crusty? Regular cleaning and monitoring of your French Bulldog’s ears can help prevent and manage this condition.

Why are My French Bulldogs Ears Crusty: Expert Solutions

Credit: frenchiestore.com

Common Symptoms Of French Bulldog Ear


Discharge – Some dogs’ ears may reveal their infection by way of a yellowish or black dog ear discharge.

Crusty or thickened ear canals – If your pup tends to develop recurrent ear infections, their ear canals may become thicker and more crusted as a result of chronic inflammation.

When it comes to treating crusty ears in dogs, many dogs with this condition respond well to medicated shampoos. Examples would be sulphur, salicylic acid, selenium sulphide, or benzoyl peroxide shampoos. Your veterinarian will be able to prescribe you this as it is not something that can be found over the counter.

To prevent French Bulldog ear issues, it is important to keep their ears clean. You can use an ear cleansing solution meant for dogs, recommended by your French Bulldog’s veterinarian. They can also prescribe ear cleansing solution, such as if your dog has a bacterial or fungal infection.

Why are My French Bulldogs Ears Crusty? Common symptoms of French Bulldog ear issues may include an increased yellowish or black discharge, along with an unpleasant odor. You may also notice some redness or swelling in the ear canal. In more chronic cases, your Frenchie’s may develop a crusty and thicker ear canal as well.

Why are My French Bulldogs Ears Crusty: Expert Solutions

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Treatment Options For French Bulldog Ear


If your French Bulldog has crusty ears, it may be a sign of an ear condition or infection. One common treatment option for these conditions is using medicated shampoos. Medicated shampoos containing ingredients such as sulphur, salicylic acid, selenium sulphide, or benzoyl peroxide can help treat the crustiness. These shampoos can be prescribed by a veterinarian, as they are not available over the counter. Another option for treating French Bulldog ear conditions is using ear cleansing solutions. Your veterinarian can recommend a safe and effective ear cleansing solution for your dog. In some cases, your dog may have a bacterial or fungal infection, and the veterinarian may prescribe a specific ear cleansing solution. It’s important to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment of your French Bulldog’s ear condition.

Identifying French Bulldog Ear Infection

Discharge and Odor: Some dogs’ ears may reveal their infection by way of a yellowish or black discharge. An increased yellowish or black ear discharge is another frequent symptom of a French Bulldog ear infection, along with an unpleasant odor.

Redness and Swelling: You may also notice some redness or swelling in the ear canal. If your pup tends to develop recurrent ear infections, their ear canals may become thicker and more crusted as a result of chronic inflammation.

Understanding Ear Margin Hyperkeratosis

Why are My French Bulldogs Ears Crusty? French Bulldogs suffering from crusty ears may have a condition known as Ear Margin Hyperkeratosis. This leads to thickened and crusted ear canals, often caused by recurrent ear infections. Treatment may involve medicated shampoos and prescription ear cleansing solutions recommended by a veterinarian to address bacterial or fungal infections.

Characteristics of the Condition
French Bulldogs with ear margin hyperkeratosis may have yellow or black discharge. The ear canals might get thickened and crusty due to chronic inflammation.
Prevention and Treatment
Medicated shampoos with ingredients like sulphur can help in treating this condition. Veterinarians can prescribe specific ear cleansing solutions to clean and manage ear infections in French Bulldogs.

Other Causes Of French Bulldog Ear


French Bulldog ear dermatitis can be caused by several factors, leading to crusty ears. These include recurrent ear infections, chronic inflammation, and a buildup of discharge. Regular cleaning and medicated shampoos can help treat and prevent this condition.

Other Causes of French Bulldog Ear Dermatitis
Mites and Allergies:
Mites and allergies can lead to ear dermatitis in French Bulldogs. Mites can cause itching and inflammation in the ears, while allergies can trigger skin reactions.
Injury and Seborrhea:
Injuries to the ear or underlying skin can result in ear dermatitis. Seborrhea, a skin condition that causes excessive oil production, may also contribute to ear issues.
Why are My French Bulldogs Ears Crusty: Expert Solutions

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Frequently Asked Questions On Why Are My

French Bulldogs Ears Crusty

Why Does My French Bulldog Have Crusty Ears?

Why are My French Bulldogs Ears Crusty? French bulldogs may have crusty ears due to ear infections, indicated by yellowish or black discharge. Recurrent infections can cause thicker and crusted ear canals. Treating with medicated shampoos or prescribed cleansing solutions can help. It’s best to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How Do You Treat Crusty Ears In Dogs?

To treat crusty ears in dogs, use medicated shampoos like sulphur, salicylic acid, and selenium sulphide or a vet-prescribed ear cleansing solution. This will help clean the ears and address any infections. Consult a veterinarian for proper treatment.

What Can I Put On My Frenchies Dry Ears?

To treat dry ears in Frenchies, use an ear cleansing solution recommended by their veterinarian. Avoid home remedies and seek professional advice.

What Does A French Bulldog Ear Infection Look Like?

A French bulldog ear infection may show as yellowish or black discharge, redness, swelling, and odor. Chronic cases can lead to crusty, thickened ear canals.


Are you worried about your French Bulldog’s crusty ears? Understanding the causes and treatment options is crucial in providing the best care for your pet. With proper ear cleansing solutions and medicated shampoos, your furry friend can find relief from ear infections and discomfort.

Take the necessary steps to keep your French Bulldog healthy and happy!

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